Deciding Between an AC Repair or Replacement? Here Are Some Things to Consider: Insights from an HVAC Repair Company in Glen Ellyn, Illinois

It is natural to feel worried or uneasy when your AC starts having problems. This is even more concerning when you consider the warmer weather ahead. In these situations, you’ll probably wonder whether it makes more sense to repair or replace your system. These questions are normal, and you are not alone in thinking about them. After all, it’s a big decision that can impact your comfort, peace of mind, and finances.

To help you determine the best course of action for your system, this HVAC repair company in Glen Ellyn, Illinois is going to discuss some of the key things you should consider below.

Is it time to repair or replace your AC?

Deciding whether you should opt for an AC repair service or install a new AC system is a big decision, so you should think carefully about this choice. A knowledgeable HVAC repair company in Glen Ellyn, Illinois will help you consider the following factors:

How old is your AC?

The age of your AC can help you decide whether to fix or replace it. A typical air conditioner lasts about 15 to 20 years. If your AC is less than ten years old, it probably makes more sense to repair it instead of purchasing a new one.

The “5,000” rule

This simple calculation can also be helpful. Multiply the age of your AC by the repair cost. If the result is more than $5,000, you might want to consider installing a new AC. For example, if you have a 10-year-old AC that needs a $200 repair, multiply 10 by 200, and you’ll get $2,000. This means a repair is likely the better option. If you need help making the right call, you can always contact your local HVAC repair company in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

The “two-thirds, 25% rule”

If your AC is older than two-thirds of its expected life and repairs would cost more than 25% of the price of a new AC, a replacement might be the better choice. So, if your 11-year-old AC needs a $2,000 repair, and a brand-new AC would cost $5,500, a replacement might be the best course of action.

Are you planning to stay in your home long-term?

What you plan to do in the future is also important when deciding about your AC. If you think you might move out of your house soon, spending money on a new air conditioner may not be worth it. But if you plan to stay in your home for a long time, a new, energy efficient AC system can make your home more comfortable and save you money on energy costs in the long run.

Is your AC the right size?

An improperly sized AC (whether too big or too small) can cause a wide range of problems. If your current AC is not the right size, getting a new one that fits your home better could solve these problems.

If your AC is too big, it might turn on and off too much (short cycle), which can waste energy and result in uneven cooling. On the other hand, if your AC is too small, it might struggle to cool your home, especially during the summer months. This can increase your energy bills and wear out your AC faster. Upgrading to a properly sized AC can help you avoid these issues and make your home more comfortable.

Looking for an HVAC Repair Company in Glen Ellyn, Illinois?

Are you ready to get in touch with a trustworthy HVAC repair company in Glen Ellyn, Illinois that can inspect your system and help you determine the right course of action? If so, look no further than our team at Hearthstone Heating & Air Conditioning.

We are here to help you make the right choice to ensure not only your immediate comfort, but also your home’s future value and your long-term expenses. Contact us today at (630) 435-9800 to get started.

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