5 Signs That You Need Air Conditioner Repair in Oak Brook

While air conditioners are typically fairly reliable, they are prone to breakdowns from time to time. Sometimes these breakdowns are fairly obvious, and sometimes they’re a little harder to spot.

Regardless of how obvious they are, they need to be rectified as quickly as possible. This is the only way to ensure that your home stays cool in the midst of brutal heat.

How do you ensure that your air conditioner is running adequately? By looking out for signs of impairment. Here are 5 signs that you need air conditioner repair in Oak Brook.

  1. Skyrocketing Energy Bills

Have you noticed an increase in the cost of your energy bills? If so, and if it’s not unusually hot outside, there’s a good chance that your AC has an impairment of some kind.

Motor failure, in particular, can force an air conditioner to work harder than it otherwise would. When a motor is not functioning at optimal health, it has to use more energy in order to operate. This is the explanation for the increase in your energy bill.

We recommend bringing in a repair technician so that you can rectify the problem.


  1. Fluctuating Temperatures

Another sign that your air conditioner requires repairs is if you’re experiencing temperature fluctuations in your home despite the fact that your AC is on.

Temperature fluctuations are often caused by faulty condensers. Because they can’t operate consistently, they can’t offer consistent airflow. It’s also possible that your ducts are clogged and blocking airflow.

Whatever the case may be, an air conditioner repair technician will be able to identify the problem and solve it.


  1. Refrigerant Leaks

A sure sign that you require air conditioner repair is a refrigerant leak. A refrigerant is entirely necessary for the cooling process. If there’s no refrigerant in the air conditioner system, the AC will not create cold air.

Leaks will occur in the coolant line; a small pipe which connects the condenser of your AC to the inside of your home. These leaks typically occur as a result of the line being disturbed by poor weather conditions.

If your coolant line has sprung a leak, it will have to be patched up and re-insulated. A repair technician can complete this task fairly quickly.


  1. Nasty Noises

Have you heard loud clunking or grinding noises coming from your air conditioner condenser? If so, you’ll want to get it checked out as soon as possible. Allowing these noises to persist could result in irreparable damage.

These noises are occurring either because the mechanics of the condenser are disturbed, or because there’s something stuck in the condenser.

A repair technician will be able to identify the source of the noise and make any repairs which are necessary.


  1. Slow Functionality

One last sign that your air conditioner requires repair is slow functionality. If it takes 30 minutes for your AC to start up, there is a problem.

This problem is typically caused by a faulty thermostat. The thermostat is likely not sending signals to the AC in the way that it’s designed to.

A repair technician will be able to fix the problem by either installing a new thermostat or repairing your existing one.


Reputable Air Conditioner Repair in Oak Brook

When you seek out air conditioner repair in Oak Brook, it’s important that you use the services of a reputable company. Looking for a reputable air conditioning repair company? You’ve found it right here with Hearthstone Heating & Air Conditioning.

We’ve been serving the Oak Brook area since 1996, ensuring that AC is supplied to any and all who desire it. Our experienced team of technicians knows everything there is to know about air conditioning repair.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

  1. Thanks for explaining when an air conditioner should be repaired. I didn’t know that inconsistent temperatures could be caused by faulty condensers. Maybe it could be good to monitor the temperature changes to see if there’s a pattern to it, just in case it can help the technician solve the problem.

  2. I appreciate you mentioning loud clunking or grinding noises. I thought that I was hearing things in our house, but it looks like it’s just our air conditioning. We’ll be sure to call someone in to take a look at everything and make sure that it’s all in working order.

  3. My sister is really worried about the AC in her new home. She thinks that there may be some issues with the unit and she needs some advice. I think that it would help her to know that if the unit takes longer than 30 minutes to start up that she should look into getting an AC repair.

  4. Thanks for the information that if you hear loud clunking or grinding noises from your air conditioner then you probably have a problem with the mechanics of the condenser or there’s something stuck there. I’ve definitely started hearing some weird noises from our unit and it started yesterday so it’s concerning me. I’ll have to find a contractor that can come check out the unit and see if there’s a problem with the condenser before any damage happens to it.

  5. My husband and children have been complaining about noises coming from our air conditioner lately. Thank you for pointing out that allowing these noises to persist can result in non-repairable damage. I’ll have to find the best company in my area to come to take a look and repair the AC for us.

  6. I had no idea that the temperature fluctuations we’ve been experiencing could be due to my air conditioning unit having a faulty condenser. We thought it was just because the unit is older. Whatever the case may be, we’ll take your advice to contact a qualified professional to service our air conditioner.

  7. Thanks for pointing out that we might need AC repair if the temperature in our home is fluctuating. I’ve recently noticed some temperature fluctuations in my living room even though the AC is always on and set to the same temperature. I wasn’t sure what was causing the problem and had just been ignoring it. I’ll definitely be calling an AC repair company soon so they can take care of the problem!

  8. Last night my AC started making an odd noise and I’m a little concerned about it. Thank you for pointing out that I should get this checked as soon as possible. I’ll have to look into finding the best HVAC contractors in my area to come and take a look at it and fix anything that may be wrong with it.

  9. My energy bills have been a lot higher than normal, and I suspect it could be because of my AC unit. You mentioned that this is usually a problem with the motor. I’ll definitely look into hiring a reputable HVAC contractor to help me get back in control of my energy bills.

  10. Thanks for mentioning that loud clunking or grinding noises could mean you will need repairs. My air conditioning unit started to get really noisy this summer, and these past few days it has sounded like a dying cat. I’ll be sure to call a professional to get my unit looked at and repaired as soon as possible.

  11. I will be sure to watch closely if I’m experiencing temperature fluctuations despite my AC being on. My AC has been acting weird lately. Maybe it’s time to get it checked out by a professional.

  12. I agree that if you have an increase in your energy bills and its not unusually hot outside that you probably need to have your ac checked out. I would definitely notice if my energy bills were skyrocketing, in which case I would call an ac repair service. I don’t want to have to pay more for no reason.

  13. Thanks for explaining how a motor failure can for the air conditioner to work harder than it should, resulting in higher energy bills. My parents have recently called me about a really unreasonable spike on their bills. They don’t seem to have any problems with the system’s performance, so I’ll be sure to advise to look for residential heating contractors that can look at their unit.

  14. Thanks for pointing out that you probably need AC repair if the temperature in your home is not consistent. When I was watching TV last night, I noticed the temperature of the room fluctuating. I wasn’t sure what could be causing it, so thanks for pointing out that I probably need AC repair!

  15. You should definitely be aware of what the signs are of the need for air conditioning repair. It’s good to know that temperature fluctuations can be caused by faulty condensers, like you said. I’m afraid that might be an issue with my AC right now.

  16. I like that you mentioned that we have our A/C unit checked out if we hear loud clunking noises. Recently, I have been noticing a clanking noise coming from my A/C unit. My wife and I have been thinking of repairing our A/C unit or at least having it serviced before the hottest part of the year to keep it from breaking down.

  17. It got me when you mentioned that the noises from the condenser are a sign that there are issues with the mechanisms and that it can lead to irreparable damages when ignored. If that is the case, then I will shut the AC unit off and call a professional to have it checked out. It started making noises last night, and it hasn’t been 24 hours yet, and already the noises have become louder. I can’t ignore that cry for help.

  18. Thank you for pointing out that I need an AC unit repair if the temperature of the house is changing despite the idea that the unit is on the whole time. My mom once commented on how the house feels so humid despite the AC being turned on. Another time, she mentioned that it’s too cold. Sometimes, I feel like the AC unit has a mind of its own. It might be best to call a professional to give this a check.

  19. Last night as I was doing my bills I noticed that my HVAC bill is through the roof. Thank you for pointing out that this could be due to some issues with my system that could be causing it to work harder. I’ll have to look into finding the best HVAC contractor to come and repair it for me.

  20. I appreciate that you mentioned that when the temperature went up and down despite the fact that our AC unit was on, that is likely an indication the unit needs repair. It is also good that you added that the ducts maybe clogged and blocking the airflow. That is what we have been noticing at home and what you said is giving us an idea that we need to have a technician to check that and if that needs repair, then so be it.

  21. Thanks for the information that if the temperature fluctuates in your home despite the AC being on. My home has been getting hot and cold, and I haven’t been able to figure out why. I’ll have to find an air conditioning service I can have come repair it so it will stay cool inside.

  22. The article makes a very good point about refrigerant leaking and the air conditioner not creating cooled air. As the article points out, this usually happens when the coolant line springs a leak. Fortunately, this is not a complicated fix and can be handled by a plumber quickly.

  23. It caught my attention when you said that we need to get the AC unit repaired if we are experiencing temperature changes in the house even if it is already on. Actually, in our case, it’s like the AC unit is not operating at all. There are times when it is really hot in the house. I should’ve taken that as a call that I need to get the repairman to look at it. Thanks for pointing it out.

  24. I appreciate how you explained that the AC unit needs to be checked if the temperature is fluctuating because that is a sign that the condenser is faulty. It has been a while since the temperature starting fluctuating, so I hope that the unit is not entirely broken. I will call an HVAC expert to give this a check and see if we can still save the unit. Thanks.

  25. My brother’s AC stopped working last night and he wanted to have it repaired right away. It was explained here that he needs to have the AC repaired if the temperatures fluctuating. Furthermore, it’s recommended to hire professionals for quality air conditioning repair.

  26. Thank you for mentioning that if the condenser of the AC unit is making a lot of noises, then it needs to be checked because ignoring it can cause permanent damages. The AC unit started making a lot of awful noises last week, and we have not done anything until now. I do hope that there is still something that we can do about it. After all, we do not want to have it replaced. I will call a professional to check it out.

  27. My dad wanted to save up energy bills because he noticed that our bills are going up. It was mentioned here that one of the signs that the AC needed repair is skyrocketing bills because it uses more energy to operate if it’s not in good condition. Moreover, it’s recommended to hire professional HVAC contractors for quality air conditioning repair.

  28. I have been questioning if my HVAC system needs a check-up for quite some time now. My energy bills have been skyrocketing as you mentioned. I think that gives it away that I should probably call someone to come check it out so can avoid wasting my money.

  29. I didn’t know that the skyrocketing energy bills I am experiencing could indicate malfunctioning air conditioning. I will have to be more careful I notice that in the future. As for right now, I think I am going to call a professional.

  30. Thank you for mentioning fluctuating temperatures. I noticed this during the summer but just avoided those rooms. We’ll be sure to call someone in to take care of this problem before summer comes back in full force.

  31. Thank you for mentioning hearing a loud clunking or grinding noise. My husband and I were hearing these a lot this past summer and have been wondering where it could originate from. We’ll be sure to get it repaired and taken care of before summer rolls around again.

  32. Thanks for helping me understand that a unit needs to be fixed when the motor is working harder since it can increase the bills. I think I need to hire a contractor already since our bills increased to almost 30% of what we usually pay. We didn’t even buy a new appliance or changed our consumption.

  33. My sister thinks that there is some slow functions with her air conditioning. She is not sure what to do to make it fixed. It might help her to know that she can look into getting air conditioning services to come and look at it.

  34. We definitely need a technician to come and look at our system. Like you said, I think there’s a refrigerant leak because there isn’t a lot of cold air coming out. We definitely want cool air once it heats up outside, so I’ll find a good company to help with that repair.

  35. I noticed at the end of last summer that my air conditioning wasn’t working as well as it used to. I definitely noticed fluctuating temperatures. It’s important to know that this could mean the ducts are clogged, like you said. I haven’t cleaned out my air ducts in a long time, so maybe I’ll do that this summer.

  36. It’s good to know when to get our AC unit repaired. I like how you said that if there is a noise, we need repairs done. Our unit has some noises going on, so I’ll have to find someone to hire.

  37. My brother noticed that the energy bills are higher than usual and thought that the AC might need to be repaired again. It was explained here that motor failure in AC can cause the equipment to work harder than usual. Furthermore, it’s recommended to hire professional HVAC for quality AC repairs.

  38. I thought it was interesting how the article talked about how a sure sign that you require air conditioner repair is a refrigerant leak. My brother recently moved into a new home and he has been thinking about hiring a contractor to come in and ensure that both his heater and air conditioner are working properly. He could benefit from having a professional to come and check for leaking or any other issues with his HVAC system.

  39. Thank you for explaining the importance of refrigerant. My friend was talking to me about how she’s been having a lot of problems with her air conditioning in the past. I’ll definitely share this possibility with her so that she can check some things out that could be wrong.

  40. That’s good to know that if you have a faulty condenser that it makes it so you don’t have consistent airflow which causes the temperatures to fluctuate. This is helpful since I haven’t been able to keep my home at 75 degrees, so I’m trying to figure out why it keeps jumping. I’ll have to find a contractor that can come look at my air conditioner to see if the condenser is causing the problem or if it’s something else.

  41. I never took into account the fact that having high energy bills might mean that there must be an issue with one of your appliances such as the AC unit. Like you said, this is because they have to work harder. I guess I need to call a pro to check our AC unit since I inherited it from my mom which means that it is really old, so it might be the cause for the increase in our electricity bills for the past two months.

  42. I have recently noticed that my energy bills are getting really high. I’ll have to look at hiring an air conditioning repair service to look at it. I just hope that it is not an expensive fix.

  43. That’s good to know that if your AC takes 30 minutes to start up that you may have a faulty thermostat. This is helpful since my home has been taking about an hour to cool down lately, so I’m trying to figure out what the problem is. I’ll have to find an air conditioning technician I can hire to come look at the thermostat to see if that’s causing the problem or if it’s something else.

  44. Thank you for talking about slow functionality of your air conditioner. My friend was talking to me about how this was happening with her AC and is more prevalent now than it was at the end of the summer last year. It’s good to know that it is something that can be addressed and fixed so that she can get it all in working order soon.

  45. That’s good to know that you should get your air conditioner repaired as soon as you can when you hear loud noises since it could cause damage that can’t be fixed. This is helpful since I’ve started to hear a clanking sound when I turn it on. I’ll have to find an HVAC contractor that can come look at it and see what’s causing the noise so I can get it repaired before I have to replace anything.

  46. It’s good to know that your air conditioning unit needs repairs if you’re experiencing temperature fluctuations. My brother-in-law has been telling me about how his house is never the same temperature for long. I’ll be passing this information along to him so that he can look into getting his AC unit serviced.

  47. I liked that you explained that one reason to have routine maintenance done on your air conditioning unit is to ensure that the is no fluctuation in temperature. I rely heavily on my air conditioning unit, especially during the summer. I will consider hiring a professional to regularly do small repairs on my air conditioning unit so that I don’t suffer from the heat of the sun if it stops working.

  48. The bills in my aunt’s home are really high and she wants to have the AC repaired to lessen the bills. It was explained here that if the bills are skyrocketing there’s a chance that the AC has an impairment. Furthermore, it’s recommended to hire professionals when in need of air conditioning services.

  49. Having a faulty thermostat can really throw off the whole home. It makes sense that my sister wants to look for an air conditioning service to fix this major issue. She just moved into a new home and noticed the various issues it has been having.

  50. Thanks for mentioning that you should speak to a professional when you notice that your AC is making grinding noises. My son’s AC has been making a horrible screeching and grinding sound to the point that it isn’t worth turning on anymore. I will be sure to see if I can find a professional that can repair my son’s AC soon.

  51. Thanks for mentioning that refrigerant leaks can occur in the coolant line which happens if your AC is damaged by poor weather conditions. I have noticed that my air conditioner is turning on normally but there isn’t any cold air coming out of it. It may be a good idea for me to call a repair service that can help me fix whatever is wrong with my AC.

  52. I liked that you said that the reasoning behind the common complaint of fluctuating temperatures from an air conditioning unit is often due to faulty condensers or clogged ducts. I rely heavily on air conditioning during the hot summer months and can only imagine the devastation that I would experience in having to go without cool airflow. I would be sure to hire a professional to make the necessary routine repairs on my air conditioning unit in order to ensure constant proper functionality and air flow.

  53. It’s good to know that you could need a new air conditioner if your energy bill skyrockets in the heat. My wife and I have noticed that our energy bill has been higher than usual, and we’d like to bring it back down. We’ll be sure to look further into our options for having a professional come and install a new air conditioning system for us.

  54. I’ve noticed that my energy bills are getting higher. I think the air conditioner is displaying fluctuating temperatures as well. As you’ve said, its refrigerant is leaking, so I’ll hire an air conditioning service to fix it for me.

  55. My wife has been complaining about noises coming from our air conditioner. ThankI’m glad you mentioned that these noises could result in irreparable damages. I’ll have to find the best company in my area to inspect our Ac unit.

  56. Thanks for the advice on AC repairs. My AC unit is making loud sounds and not blowing air. I’ll hire a professional to repair my AC unit.

  57. I like how the article explains that if you are noticing that the temperature is fluctuating, you should get your air conditioner repaired as it means it isn’t running properly. Our home isn’t holding temperature and it is either very cold or very hot. We will look into getting our air conditioner repaired.

  58. My coworker told me that he saw some liquid leaking from the AC pipes. It’s interesting that you said that a refrigerant is entirely necessary for the cooling process. I will let my boss know so he can contact the facility manager and have it rectified.

  59. It’s good to know that you could need to get your air conditioner repaired if there is an increase in the cost of your energy bills. My brother has been telling me about how he’s been spending more on energy than usual, and he thinks it’s just been due to the hot weather. I think that it’s because of something more serious, so I’ll pass this information along to him so that he can look further into his options for getting his AC unit repaired.

  60. It’s interesting to know that a sure sign that you require air conditioner repair is a refrigerant leak. My brother told me that he noticed a leak in my mother’s A/C unit, and we are looking for information. I will call a professional A/C contractor to check my mother’s unit as soon as possible.

  61. I feel so sweaty whenever I wake up in the morning, and I found out that my aircon isn’t working properly. It’s nice to know that one reason as to why my aircon isn’t working well is because of clogged ducts that block the airflow. I can’t wait to hire an airconditioning contractor to solve this problem for me, and will consider looking for a replacement as well.

  62. My friend says his energy bills are very high and he doesn’t know why. It’s interesting how motor failure can force an air conditioner to work harder and increase the cost of your energy bills. Thank you for the information. I’ll recommend my friend to contact an HVAC service to repair the air conditioner.

  63. I appreciate you for listing these signs to tell if you need an AC repair. I liked that you talked about the importance of hiring a professional for these jobs because my roommate suggested we should do some maintenance work ourselves when we noticed an unusual sound coming out of the AC condenser. This will be our first time looking for these services so I’ll make sure that everything you listed gets checked and taken care of. Thanks!

  64. It’s good to know that you want to get it checked as soon as possible if you are haring clunking noises coming from it. For the past couple of weeks, my AC has been making a lot of weird noises whenever we turn it on, and my husband and I didn’t know if that was a bad sign or not. We’ll have to look into hiring a professional HVAC contractor to come and inspect our air conditioner.

  65. Thank you for explaining how you need to have your AC unit repaired if the refrigerant is leaking. I think a lot of people just assume that AC units don’t need repairs. I have brand new units but I’ll still look for an AC repair service so I know who to call for whenever they break down.

  66. Thanks for the great advice. I’ve been noticing some weird things with my air conditioner recently; looks like it’s time to call a specialist.

  67. It really stood out to me when you explained that fluctuating temperatures can be a sign that your air conditioning is experiencing problems. Even though my thermostat is set to a specific temperature, it feels like it is different every day. It might be a good idea for me to hire someone to inspect my thermostat for me.

  68. I appreciated it when you shared that it is great to get your HVAC checked out as soon as possible once you have heard grinding noises from it. My friend just mentioned the other day that she is worried about her appliance that is no longer working well ever since it keeps on producing a weird sound last week. I will suggest to her hiring a reliable service that can help inspect the issue.

  69. My energy bills have been going up, and I’m not sure why. I didn’t know that this could be a sign of air conditioning issues! It would be a good idea for me to get a professional to help me out with this.

  70. This tip is very informative. I call a repair technician immediately when I heard my AC creating strange noises. This is a really good idea to call a professional for all of your ac repair needs

  71. It’s great that you elaborated that there’s a chance that your AC has an impairment if you are experiencing high energy bills. Last night, my son used to think that the strange noise coming from his air conditioning unit was normal until it broke down earlier. Thank you for this instructive article, I’ll be sure to consult a trusted air conditioning repair service to fix his air conditioning unit properly and provide preventative measures.

  72. Thanks so much for talking about signs that mean you need HVAC repair. My parent’s AC unit has been making a lot of noise and they’ve been looking into getting it repaired. We’ll have to make sure there aren’t any other issues before we call someone down so we can ensure we get everything done at one time.

  73. Thank you for mentioning that an air conditioner may have to work harder than it would normally if a motor fails. My father complains that the cost is drastically rising. I’ll advise him to acquire air conditioning repair services so they can examine the AC’s motor system.

  74. It got me when you said that there is a problem with the condenser when there are temperature fluctuations, because it means that they are not working consistently anymore. With that in mind, I need to hire an air conditioner repair professional here in Wilmington, North Carolina this weekend. I have noticed that issue in the living room’s unit when my friends came over this evening.

  75. I never considered the refrigerant leak. My AC must have some problem with it because it isn’t pumping out cold air. I’ll have to hire a tech to do an inspection.

  76. I appreciate you pointing out that a motor requires more energy to operate when it is not in peak condition. My sister reports hearing noises coming from her HVAC motor. I’ll advise her to obtain HVAC maintenance so that her HVAC motor is in top condition.

  77. I noticed last night that it took my AC unit over 20 minutes to start running. I’m curious to know why that is since the system isn’t actually too old. It’d be good to hire a professional to take a look at it for me if possible.

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Westmont, IL 60559
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